Friday, May 15, 2020

Essay about The Negative Impact of Media Censorship

Every human possesses some guaranteed basic freedoms and rights, whether it is the freedom of speech, or the freedom to express themselves. However, the government seems to be increasingly determined to limit these freedoms using censorship to confine these rights that we usually take for granted. The most important facet of media in general is that it allows people to express themselves freely. In fact, this freedom of expression that music allows us is one of the primary reasons why it exists. Sadly, many of the current artists have forgotten that, but nonetheless, censorship seems to always be there to limit the expression of those who choose to place deeper messages in their songs. Tackling censorship is much more†¦show more content†¦These alterations ranged from a simple black box obscuring the offensive part to just changing the image to a different one entirely. The historical uses of censorship are less clear-cut. While governments have very obvious and reasonable uses for censorship, such as censoring war plans and other secrets, some have twisted censorship into another form of the dictatorial control they have. A prime example would be Stalin’s censoring of photos to â€Å"erase† people or to show him in a better light (The Commissar Vanishes.). Based on the cold and secretive history of censorship of media in general, it should be clear that the government should not have the ability to determine what the public should be allowed to hear. The nature of censorship makes it a very flawed system. As Danny Yee thoughtfully writes, â€Å"Those pushing music censorship are a small minority driven by personal distaste. Consider that they only ever rant against popular music forms, not elite ones - no one ever suggests banning Shostakovichs 14th Symphony because it has suicidal lyrics, for example, or even mentions all those classical operas that deal with incest† (Yee). 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