Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Literature review and starbucks case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Service Marketing Issues - Case Study Example As the paper outlines the company gave more priority fir three components. That was coffee, service and finally the atmosphere within the organization. The organization termed the concept of service as ‘customer intimacy’. The goal of the company is â€Å"to create an uplifting experience every time you walk through our door†. In the earlier days it was easy for the company to sell its products, but as the scenario changed the marketing process became more complex in nature. Baristas was responsible for producing and selling the products. But the problem aroused when the taste and preferences of the customers changed. The only way to solve this problem was to hire more number of baristas and train them well, but due to the current economic condition the company is not in a situation to carry out this function. The company was facing serious issues related customer satisfaction, centralised marketing system, managing human resources and failure in meeting the custo mer expectations. From this study it is clear that the important service marketing issue in this case is that the company wants to increase its quality in delivery, but due to the poor economic condition, it is not able to perform at its best. The one and only solution for the company is to increase the number of baristas. And for the time being the company trained the existing baristas and eliminated all the unwanted tasks done by them so that their productivity can be increased. Starbucks is the biggest coffee company in the globe. Service marketing in any business is focused on promoting its products and services. Since star buck is a coffee company, the service marketing in star bucks is proposed to market its coffee.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Workplace romance Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Workplace romance - Thesis Example Some coworkers may take workplace to be of no interest to them even as others may see their love affair responded to with a high level of defense. Companies and organizations are confused in respect work place romance since they ought to give a free and conducive environment for workers as opposed supposed to creating fear and tension among workers. Another subject of confusion in relation o workplace romance relates to the right organ or department to handle such cases. Some managers feel that such relationships could affect the productivity of the company while others feel that workers are citizens who have rights to socialize in whichever way they like even in the organizational setup. This has seen companies in situations where they have been unable to come with approaches and policies that address office dating. It has become challenging when people from different departments fall in love, for example, the administrator having a love affair with a junior officer in a certain dep artment. Secondly, it has been of less effect when the administrator develops a romantic relationship with his or her secretary, when the same administrator is the one who is in charge of implementing the laid down policies. This paper will discuss different perspectives and opinions of different authors toward work place romance. According to Bytautas, Klenin, Marinescu and Appelbaum (2007), employers have experienced work place relationships for a long time. They indicate that employers are in a position to realize that workers have love relationships with another employee. Bytautas et al. indicate that companies have realized the effects that come with work place relationships. It is has negative effects on production since the respective couples tend to spend their time together thinking of each other instead of concentrating on the delivery of service. Bytautas et al. suggest that work place romance has been a result of an